This Filippo’s moth-eaten wool sweater has needed to be repaired for a while and I decided to do it last week finally. The sweater was full of holes everywhere, both…
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Questa gonna non doveva essere una mini, ma una gonna lunga. Ho solo gonne corte o al ginocchio e, come ho fatto per il maxidress questa estate, volevo dare una…
This skirt shouldn’t have been a mini, but a long skirt. I only have mini or above the knee skirts and, as I did with maxidresses this summer, I wanted…
Come foderare il corpetto del vestito Belladone – Deer and Doe
by Ladulsatinaby LadulsatinaSettimana scorsa Ju mi ha lasciato questo commento sul post del vestito Belladone che ho realizzato: Could you give more detail as to how you lined the dress, especially the…
Last week I got this comment by Ju on my post about Belladone Dress: Could you give more detail as to how you lined the dress, especially the back pieces?…