Home My makesBlouses & Top A Polka-dot blouse

A Polka-dot blouse

by Ladulsatina
A Polka-dot blouse

My last sewing project is a red and white polka-dot blouse. I use to wear blouses with skirts and jeans very often over spring and summer. I find them practical and perfect both during day and evening. Ladulsatina DIY Fashion and sewing - Polka Dot blouse - Blusa a pois - Front

I got the idea for this model by some garments with flounces I have in my wardrobe (and that I wear a lot) and after a brief research online. The blouse is made up of two vertical cuts in which flounces are inserted, a scoop neckline on the front and a back keyhole with covered button closure. Neckline, armholes and back keyhole are finished inside with a single facing up. I designed the pattern on my own. Ladulsatina DIY Fashion and sewing - Polka Dot blouse - Blusa a pois - Front Ladulsatina DIY Fashion and sewing - Polka Dot blouse - Blusa a pois - Side Ladulsatina DIY Fashion and sewing - Polka Dot blouse - Blusa a pois - Back

I used a beautiful silk satin that my lovely friends gave me for my birthday. If you want to make a maker happy, give her (or him) fabrics! 🙂

Silk satin is very difficult to cut and sew: it’s slippery and it frays easily. To avoid problems, I cut the fabric with the paper’s trick: I put some tissue-paper under the fabric and I pinned both of them together with the paper-pattern. In this way the fabric is stable and doesn’t slip while you’re cutting. Furthermore I paid a lot of attention while I was sewing it up in order to prevent it from fraying. In spite of these cautions, I have to admit that it wasn’t exactly easy to sew and I had to be very patient. Anyway it was worth it in the end, because I like how it came out!

Ladulsatina DIY Fashion and sewing - Polka Dot blouse - Blusa a pois - Detail

Moreover I found quite difficult finishing the flounce hem. Eventually, after attempting a lot, the easier and faster way was to sew a rolled hem up with serger. Real find! In few minutes I finished the flounce’s hem up in a very professional and neat way. I think I’ll use this stitch a lot from now on, above all with slippery fabrics, as silk.

Ladulsatina DIY Fashion and sewing - Polka Dot blouse - Blusa a pois - Detail

So here it is:

Ladulsatina DIY Fashion and sewing - Polka Dot blouse - Blusa a pois

Few days to MeMadeMay 2016…I’m sure that I’ll wear this blouse a lot over May and summer months. My 2016 MeMadeMay pledges are wearing more memade garments and experimenting with new outfits putting together memade garment with old ones I have in my wardorbe.

And about “be proud of what you make!”, check this post by Sasha-SecondoPiano out. It’s about the Fashion Revolution and there you can find a gallery of makers and bloggers from all over the world that explain why they sew their own clothing instead of buying them. Sewing is a sustainable and even fun alternative to fast fashion. I also suggest you to watch “The True Cost” documentary (you can find it on Netflix).

Happy MeMadeMay!

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Jeska 27 Aprile 2016 - 21:17

Impressive drafting skills! The ruffles flow with the polka dots very nicely – it’s an interesting pattern without appearing too busy!

And thanks for the Netflix link – I know what I’ll be doing tonight 🙂

LaDulsaTina 1 Maggio 2016 - 21:06

Thank you! 🙂 This’s one of the experiments I’m carrying out lately. I signed up for a pattern making course and in this case I wanted to experiment with ruffles…
I’m sure you’ll find the documentary very interesting.

Chrissa 28 Aprile 2016 - 1:23

Hi Martina, you’re blouse is really lovely! I love the flounces and that’s very impressive that you designed the pattern yourself 🙂

LaDulsaTina 1 Maggio 2016 - 21:08

Thank you so much Chrissa! 🙂

Nilla 28 Aprile 2016 - 7:40

Your blouse is so cute! And I wish my friends would give me fabric too! 😀

LaDulsaTina 1 Maggio 2016 - 21:15

Thank you Nilla! Yeah, fabric is a perfect gift! 😉

Miriam 28 Aprile 2016 - 21:21

Great blouse! At first I thought you have sewed a Pendrell blouse ;). I appreciate your eplanations, now I’m sure I could also try on my on. It looks stunning!

LaDulsaTina 1 Maggio 2016 - 21:36

Thank you Miriam! 🙂 I didn’t know this pattern, but yes, you can use it to make a very similar blouse. I think that, in order to get the same effect, you should lengthen the flounces to the waist and make them bigger, in particular on the shoulder. And should change the side panels (on the shoulder I made only one panel…it’s more like a halter neck top). Let me know how it’ll come out 🙂

Wednesday Weekly #34 | Helen's Closet 28 Aprile 2016 - 22:57

[…] polka dot ruffle blouse from Ladulsatina is so pretty! […]

Draped in Cloudlets 1 Maggio 2016 - 14:28

This top is sooo pretty ♥

LaDulsaTina 1 Maggio 2016 - 21:36

Thanks!! 🙂

Sasha 7 Maggio 2016 - 13:48

This bluse is simply super cute. love it!

LaDulsaTina 11 Maggio 2016 - 22:03

Grazie Sasha! 🙂

Libby 18 Maggio 2016 - 15:47

This is stunning! And it really suits you 🙂

LaDulsaTina 18 Maggio 2016 - 23:18

Thank you so much! 🙂

Jenny 18 Maggio 2016 - 16:09

So I just found your blog and am really happy about it, because I love your style! Great top, and great choice with the hems of the flounces.

I love Italy, but I haven’t been to Milano yet, even though it’s on my travel list. Your fabric shopping guide will definitely come in handy!

Greetings & love from Germany

LaDulsaTina 18 Maggio 2016 - 23:26

Thank you so much Jenny! Let me know if you decide to come to Milan, I’m always very happy to meet up with other sewing lovers! 🙂
Kisses from Italy!

Heather Webb 18 Maggio 2016 - 18:30

This is amazing! I love the ruffles on it and I’m so impressed by your sewing skills! I’m still only able to do quilts but I hope to branch into clothing sometimes this year!

LaDulsaTina 18 Maggio 2016 - 23:32

Thank you Heather! 🙂 I’m sure you’ll be so happy with your first handmade garment that you will no longer stop to sew. Just give it a try! 😉


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