Home My makesTrousers Self-designed corduroy shorts

Self-designed corduroy shorts

by Ladulsatina
Self-designed corduroy shorts

This is the pair of shorts I made over the basic dressmaking evening classes I was attending at AFOL Moda in Milan until the middle of December. The shorts have two tucks for each side of the front (left and right), zipper fly, slash pockets on the sides, one welt pocket on the left back and turn-up. The exercise was the same of the skirt (see my vintage skirt), that is to choose a model, design your own pattern based on your measurements and sew the trousers.

ladulsatina self-designed corduroy shorts

ladulsatina self-designed corduroy shorts

I used a camel corduroy fabric and the Atelier Brunette’s Twist Mustard cotton for the inside and the pockets lining. I bought all on Supercut.it.


ladulsatina self-designed corduroy shorts

I used a hidden hook to close the shorts.

ladulsatina self-designed corduroy shorts

I have to practise more the welt pocket. It’s not exactly precise because it tends to get opened (I made this mistake because I was in a hurry and I didn’t baste before to sew…).

I finished up the turn-up by hand.

ladulsatina self-designed corduroy shorts

ladulsatina self-designed corduroy shorts

ladulsatina self-designed corduroy shorts

I like this second self-designed garment very much too. It’s very comfortable and I think I’ll wear it very often over this winter.

ladulsatina self-designed corduroy shorts

ladulsatina self-designed corduroy shorts

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Klara 6 Gennaio 2015 - 20:05

Wow, a pair of trousers! You are learning fast :). I’m still intimidated by pants, I must say. But they can’t be that hard, right? You motivate me to try out new stuff!

LaDulsaTina 7 Gennaio 2015 - 13:59

They’re not that hard, even if more complicated than a skirt…and I think that shorts are simplier than classic trousers! The most tricky things are the zipper fly and the welt pocket. But you can do it Klara! 😉 You’re so talented so I’m sure that trousers cannot be a problem for you!

Sasha 7 Gennaio 2015 - 9:57

Bellissimi …. anzi perfetti e ti stanno stra bene! Brava! Complimeti … adesso nascondili che magari te li rubo visto che ho un debole per i pantaloncini corti 😉

LaDulsaTina 7 Gennaio 2015 - 13:51

ahahah Me li tengo stretti allora 😉 Grazie mille Sasha!! 🙂 Sai che io invece non ero una grande fan dei pantaloncini corti d’inverno? Invece mi sono ricreduta…sono davvero comodi! Ho scelto di fare al corso un paio di shorts perchè ho pensato che li avrei utilizzati di più di un paio di pantaloni classici e ho fatto bene! Ne seguiranno altri…anche per non dimenticare la tecnica di costruzione 😉

Aida 8 Gennaio 2015 - 1:37

Wow, such an impressive work you’ve done here. They look perfect! I intend on trying to sew pants this year and shorts seem a nice place to start.

LaDulsaTina 8 Gennaio 2015 - 13:40

Thank you Aida!! 🙂 Yes, I also think that shorts are a great start in order to sew trousers…you can focus and train on the tricky things, like zipper fly, and think about the fit of the legs in the next one…

Mia 8 Gennaio 2015 - 8:04

These look perfect! I can’t believe you’ve only been sewing for a few months longer than me. I’m so inspired. 🙂

LaDulsaTina 8 Gennaio 2015 - 13:33

Thank you Mia!! 🙂

Samantha 9 Gennaio 2015 - 13:55

They look so great! Excellent work! I want to make a pair of shorts to wear with tights in the winter one day. Thanks for the inspiration!

LaDulsaTina 12 Gennaio 2015 - 13:48

Thank you Samantha! 🙂


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